The Seven Ps of Marketing

In our quickly changing world, continually evaluate and reevaluate these seven Ps to achieve maximum sales results. As gleaned from Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy, these seven Ps are: ProductPricePromotionPlacePackagingPositioningPeople Product "Is your current product or service, or your mix of products and services,…

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The 4 Rs of B2B Marketing

For Business to Business (B2B) marketing, you need to take a very personal approach. Start with these four Rs. (Adapted from this YouTube Video "B2B Marketing is Different") Reality First, consider what the reality is with your current marketing. There are so many options…

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Using Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing promotes products and services by partnering with popular social media users, bloggers, or respected and visible community members. According to Single Grain, Return-on-investment from influencer marketing is comparable to or better than other marketing channels.   Who are these Influencers? Influencers are people…

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Employing Guerrilla Marketing

The term "Guerrilla Marketing" pulls from "Guerrilla Warfare," which employs atypical tactics to achieve an objective. In 1984, creative director Jay Conrad Levinson introduced the term in his book, Guerrilla Marketing. He worked for the advertising giant Leo Burnett.  Guerrilla marketing, also called…

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Your Powerful Personal Brand

Want more clients? Build up your personal brand... you as the expert in your field. "Here is the secret to making it happen with ease: Focus on your personal brand, and start building your visibility and audience online. Social media offers a brilliant platform to establish yourself as a…

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Heed The Rule of Seven

The Marketing Rule of Seven The 'Rule of Seven' in marketing claims it takes an average of seven exposures to your marketing message before a prospect will make a purchase. Why does this old technique still work? The longer exposure gives you time to build up a…

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