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‘Wow’ Your Instagram Viewers!

For those of you who use Instagram, with mixed feelings, I would like to give you something else to think about: your post grid. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it, so only proceed if you want to up your Instagram game. 

When you enjoy a post on your Instagram feed, you can click the name above the post to see more by that contributor. From their page, you can choose to follow (which we all want our customers to do). Before you follow, you will likely scroll down to see more posts in a three-column grid. 

Rule Instagram!

If you want to make a beautiful, branded statement, you can plan your posts so that this grid looks coordinated and inviting. Create a beautiful grid by following these ideas.

  • Choose a color scheme for your posts. Stick with it.
  • Choose a border for your posts. Stick with it, or use the border alternating with none. 
  • Use photo filters consistently by choosing a signature filter.
  • Post in a pattern. Plan so that your posts create a beautiful display!

Posting a solid-color background text post alternately with a photo creates a checkerboard, like this one from Health Magazine and CerebralMist. Seeing this lovely combination of consistent color family and alternating quotes makes a great statement about the post frequency and quality and will increase followers. 

This article has fun examples and ideas! To find out what your colors say, read this previous Monday Marketing post.