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Social Media Trends for 2021

Looking for ways to update your social media to get more attention? Stay current with these trends forecasted to work well in the coming year.

Use Nostalgia.

Using memories from your customer’s youth is a sure way to get a smile and maybe a share. Connect a positive memory to your brand by including a bit of nostalgia. This builds an emotional relationship with your consumer. A brand that makes you feel good is good, right? Look at nostalgic elements shared by social media influencers for content ideas. Introduce yourself and your brand to the influencer to connect with their followers.

Share User-Generated Memes, but carefully.

If any user-generated meme jumps out, consider sharing it. Make sure you credit the creator, as it’ll build a stronger brand connection while encouraging others to create branded content too. However, be careful what you share. Don’t get involved with political or controversial topics that may alienate part of your customer base. Before you share a meme, make sure you’re 100% certain of what it means and its implications.

Memes live on the edge of copyright rules. Careful use is essential when using memes for marketing purposes. Be cautious to avoid any legal repercussions.

The Four C’s of the Pandemic

The pandemic has affected us all in different ways. Consumers look to their favorite brands to help them in this crisis. The 4 Cs are the theme to pandemic content: Community, Contactless, Cleanliness, Compassion. Include these themes in your own content and let your followers know how you can help them through these strange times. Your willingness to help will build stronger connections with your community. For consumers, the ongoing pandemic is still driving their decisions. Focus on relevant content that addresses their needs and concerns. 

These helpful tips were gleaned from an insightful article published by HubSpot. Their 2021 Social Media Trends report is available on