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Seven Simple Steps to Social Media Success

Are you making the most of your social media efforts? Keep in mind that your posts are only a small part of the big picture. Social media is not about your posts; It’s about the conversation. Building relationships. Forming a community. Don’t skip these simple steps that will increase your social media success:

  1. Listen and respond, ASAP. Make sure all communications go both ways.
  2. Follow your supporters actively. Share, comment, and interact.
  3. Put effort into empowering and supporting others. Givers gain.
  4. Mix it up! Less than 25% of your posts should be self-promotion. Make up the bulk of your posts with relevant interesting facts, humor, quotes, and community information. Scheduling your posts by type will automate this, i.e. Monday infographic, Tuesday customer feature, Friday funny.
  5. Before posting, ask yourself, “Is this something I’d want to share?”
  6. Make it more than just you. Include customers, suppliers, and mentors in your posts.
  7. Take time to reflect on what posts get a response and which do not. Adjust accordingly.

If you’d like some help getting your social media ideas implemented, give Brimming Design a call. We’d love to help you start a conversation.