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Google Analytics-Who is on Your Website?

Google Analytics is free software that monitors your website visits and provides insights about who sees it and how they engage with it. You add a line of code to your site and google starts logging the activity.

Some of the data that Google Analytics provides:

The number of visitors to your site, what pages they view and how long they stay. You can sort by any time period.
Visitor sources – referrals from other sites, organic search, ads, social, or direct
Search keywords people are using to find your site
Demographics and interests of your users

How do you use this information?

Google Analytics data can help you to optimize your website and marketing campaigns. Look for trends in traffic sources, keywords used, and most popular pages.

Missing a keyword? You might notice that you’re getting a lot of traffic from a keyword that you don’t cover in your content. If the term is applicable to your topic, add an informative blog post related to the topic and using that exact keyword several times in the text.

Best Traffic Source? If you are paying for marketing on two channels, like Facebook and Linked In, but you are getting much more traffic from one, consider this a sign that you should concentrate your marketing efforts on the channel that is getting you traffic.

New Referrer? If you notice a website is sending you traffic, be sure to check them out! This may lead you to a partnership, marketing idea or a new referral partner.

Click to learn how to Get Started with Analytics.

More from Google

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