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Social Media for Non-Profits (Works for profits, too!)

While it seems it should be simple, Managing a not-for-profit’s social media can be quite a challenge. Here are some steps to make it easier. (They work for businesses, too!)

  1. Find out what your audience is using. A simple poll or a few conversations may get you that information. You don’t need to be on all platforms. Focus on one or two to start. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the big three, with Facebook winning for volume and LinkedIn leading for finding volunteers. Instagram 
  2. Make a plan for consistent engagement. Use this social media cheat sheet from Classy for tips and tricks to fill out your content plan.
  3. Write your plan out on a calendar and a use posting tool. With these, you can plan your posts and schedule posts for the month in one sitting.
  4. Rotate various post types to keep your content engaging: information, education, success stories, volunteer bios, event photos, invitations, fundraising, statistics, quotes, etc. 
  5. Be sure to respond to all comments on your posts. It’s about conversation, after all.
  6. Share and comment on community posts. Create dialogues with partner organizations and sponsors.
  7. Continue spontaneous posts as well. These personal posts, with events, volunteers, and supporter photos, are often your most viewed and shared.

Want more on this topic? Check out this article from Classy, and this social media planning article from Brimming Design.