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Is Imposter Syndrome Slowing You Down?

An essential element of sales success is confidence. When you question whether you have what it takes to run your business or feel inadequate compared to your peers, you have imposter syndrome. You may begin a new job with the “Fake it ’til you make it” attitude, but at some point you must give yourself credit for all the things you have mastered. Experiences have made you smarter. You are not faking it anymore!

When doubt arises, try these tips to help you squash imposter syndrome:

Recognize it!

Think about your lack of confidence. Knowing that it is just anxiousness or fear, not a lack of expertise, will help you overcome it. Do you know what you need to know to take on the job or project? Can you educate yourself on a new topic when it arises? Yes! 

Cheer Yourself On!

Ditch self-doubt by celebrating your professional wins, good customer relationships, continual learning, and well-done job.

Keep Learning

When you don’t have an answer, it is okay to say you’ll look into it and get back to them. You don’t have to know everything; just where to look or who to ask.

Give yourself a break! Treating yourself as kindly as you would a co-worker or friend will help you to conquer imposter syndrome.