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Is your social media worth the effort?

Sales are the goal and the ultimate measure of social media success. Unfortunately, results are not immediate. To make your efforts worth your while focus on building relationships for the long term. Improve results by using these tips.

  1. Set your target on engagement. Look at what posts (yours and others) got attention on each platform, and use that approach more. Only pay to “boost” posts that performed well.
  2. Make your posts about and for your customers. (It’s not about you.) What do your followers want to hear? Target and focus on them.
  3. Make conversation. Reach out to your followers by adding thoughtful responses to their posts. Respond asap to comments on your posts.
  4. Be Authentic. Make sure your posts sound like they come from a real, live person to get more interaction. (Go ahead. Be the zany you.)
  5. Limit yourself. Being active and successful on social media takes time. Pick your best platform (or two) and concentrate your efforts on managing it well.
  6. Make a plan. Be strategic with your content and messages. This strengthens your brand and helps you create content more easily.

Holler if you’d like some help with branded images that speak to your followers. If you’d like to read more, check out this related article and read “Build Credibility One Post At A Time.”