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Marketing No-Brainers: Fast and Free

This Wordstream article is packed with more low-budget marketing ideas like this.

Even the overwhelmed business owner will be able to carve out 15 minutes to tackle these marketing techniques. The price is right (free), and the time commitment is minimal.

  1. Make Your Free ‘Google My Business’ account. Especially effective for local businesses since Google considers your location when finding matches. Your free listing puts your business on Google Maps, the local section of Google Search (three listings under the map), and the knowledge panel on the right side when someone searches for your business name. Here is an entire article on setting up Google My Business.
  2. Post and Engage on Social Media. Choose a platform that your clientele uses and post regularly. Most importantly, respond to comments and comment on other’s posts. Why? It’s all about building a community online, expressing your brand’s personality, and building trust with your audience. Five or ten minutes a day should do it. (Here is Brimming Design’s article on what to post.Think- consistency, community, collaboration, and commitment.
  3. Tag people and businesses on social media. Build relationships by consistently tagging people, brands, and locations in your posts and comments. –Post when you are at a store with a compliment and @tag the store. –Post when you get a new product and @tag the customers who will love it. (Ask their permission, of course.) –Post when you get excellent service and @tag the company. What goes around comes around. Encourage your clientele to tag you when they post about your product. 
  4. Use hashtags. I, too, find them annoying but use them to your advantage. On Instagram and Twitter, people regularly search for hashtags of interest. Make sure your post has that tag, i.e., #marketingtips. Location hashtags are beneficial as well, #Toledo.
  5. Be Active on LinkedIn. Like more platforms, they don’t help you unless you participate. An emerging giant, LinkedIn is a great way to create conversations with clients and suppliers. Share your articles, ideas, and special offers. Comment comment comment! Giving posts a thumbs up is better than nothing but does not start a conversation, so take a minute to comment.
  6. Encourage your employees to be active on your platforms as well. Sharing is caring!

Next up, some marketing ideas that are low cost but take more time. Stay tuned!