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The 4 Rs of B2B Marketing

For Business to Business (B2B) marketing, you need to take a very personal approach. Start with these four Rs. (Adapted from this YouTube Video “B2B Marketing is Different”)


First, consider what the reality is with your current marketing. There are so many options out there to reach customers, from word-of-mouth to bus signs. They vary widely in cost and effectiveness. Traditional paid advertising can be slow, unpredictable, and expensive. What is your reality? How are you creating new opportunities now? What provides predictable results?


Relationships are the foundation of every business. Mass advertising is a shotgun approach, spraying ads over a wide field hoping to hit something. It is impersonal. Rather than trying to target 10,000 people with an ad, create ten genuine relationships with interested people who will go out of their way to help you if they can. Why will they help you? Because they know you care and have helped them. Also, strengthen your existing relationships.


To start new habits and change your approach, you have to be ready to make a change. Are you ready to disrupt your pattern and do something different?


Rather than focusing on surface metrics, focus on the only one that matters… sales. “Likes” don’t count. “Impressions” don’t count… unless they convert to sales. Study and calculate your actual Return on Investment (ROI) to determine your efforts’ success using the source of your sales compared to the cost of acquiring them. For successful marketing, you have to calculate, predict and create ROI!

Want more? Read about influencer marketing.