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5-Minute Marketing: Task #8

Before people make a purchase with a new company, they often check them out online to confirm they are a credible company. Be sure your address and hours are current, and that you have posted recently. Check these on your website, as well as Yelp, Google, Bing and other listings that you know send you people.

One advantage to having a Google Business Profile is the email reminders to update your holiday hours. Correct hours are much appreciated by customers planning to come your way.

Often, the pinned location on iMaps or Google Maps is a bit off. You can correct this as well by suggesting an edit when you have the location pulled up. The location preview image will not help you if it is showing across the street, for example.

If your social media has not had a post in a year, potential customers may wonder if you are still open! Making minimal posts, such as quarterly or monthly will help remove the neglected or deserted feeling and the sounds of crickets.