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You CAN and should make testimonial videos.

Word of mouth is a vital sales tool; 9 out of 10 people trust what a customer says about a business more than what a company says about itself. More engaging than written reviews, testimonial videos are customers speaking honestly about their interaction with your business. These brief segments help create community and reinforce the humans behind the counter. Fake written reviews have degraded consumers’ trust in online reviews; an actual customer in a video recommendation is more likely to be trusted than a text review.  

Video is a direct and persuasive medium; viewers retain 95% of your message when watching a video and only 10% when reading it in text. Social media videos have been shown to increase engagement by up to ten times compared to other formats. In a recent poll of marketers, 89% say video is the most effective marketing tactic. 


  1. Video length depends on the story being told; however, note that 60% of viewers stop watching a video after two minutes. Aim for 30-60 seconds.
  2. Speak about the key benefits of your product. 
  3. Don’t script; authenticity is more believable. Interview your customer with open-ended questions if needed. Find a list of good open-ended questions on this site.
  4. Business-to-business companies can create longer, in-depth videos called case-study testimonials. These not only highlight your business but promote your customers as well. 
  5. Use Facebook’s live streaming for interviewing a client. 
  6. It is always best to tell a story if possible. Consider the need, challenges your company resolved, and results.
  7. Many businesses ask for reviews on social media. The next step is to ask for a video review. If you are together, record the video on the spot, or ask your customer to record it on their device and send you the video file.
  8. There is no need to worry about sets or expensive recording equipment; the viewers of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok don’t expect professional videos. 
  9. Improve your utilization of the tools available; this includes alternating between different camera angles for emotional impact.
  10. If possible, add graphics, product shots, logos, or charts. These add interest and information. 
  11. Add the videos to your website.

Video testimonials offer an interaction between current and prospective customers sharing how you filled a specific client need. The shared experience becomes a valuable tool for prospects looking for a solution and making you the hero.