Inbound marketing is a very effective B2B Marketing technique.
It starts to build from content marketing, and rides along the tracks of social media. These marketing elements combine to make a very effective tool for business to business marketing. The process looks like this:

Fill the Well – Content Marketing uses education to influence buying behavior. Your website is the container for all this useful information. The content is targeted to answer questions, pique curiosity and educate on topics related to your product. Content marketing is information, not sale-y, and can take the form of articles, printables, images, physical presentations, and audio/video. Useful content earns the attention of customers and confirms the company as the expert.

Distribute It: Content marketers distribute via their website, press releases, events/programs, white papers, email marketing and social media. If the information is engaging, people will want to share across their networks, increasing visibility and website traffic. Offering your content information in the right place at the right time invites visitors rather than annoying them with interruptive advertising.
Pipelines: Social media channels are an essential part in publishing your content. In addition to reaching new audiences, Social Media has bonuses:
- Social media shares of posts, videos, articles and images can increase relevancy in search engine rank for the company as well.
- Social media and word of mouth helps to reduce the spend on marketing, provides metrics for insights.
- Encourages communication between company and customer.

The Sprinkler – Inbound Marketing: Your engaging content gets shared and commented upon, spreading it wider. New prospects who found you by word of mouth, as a result of your content, are inbound customers. They came to you.
Relationships: Inbound Marketing strategy builds on meaningful content marketing to create experiences and strengthen relationships between the business and buyers. It is the most effective marketing method because it works for businesses of any size or type, creates more knowledgable prospects, and can be easily integrated and managed with widely available CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and CMS (content management system) software.
For more, check out this article from Weidert.