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Three Reasons to Add Photos To Your Google Listing

Another thing to add to your to-do list? Yep. Here’s why this task, adding photos to your Google listing is worth your while.

Build Trust

When you have included a picture of the outside and inside of your business, your products, and your team, your potential customers will have more confidence in you and trust = sales. Be sure to include good photos of your entrance if there is any chance of confusion finding your location. It is very reassuring.

More Action

What words you added to your description are essential, especially for search engines, but photos are for people. They help potential customers know if your business is a fit for them. Because they could see your business, they are more likely to engage with you.


The right photos build your brand image and teach potential customers who you are and what you have to say without visiting your website or stepping in your door. This provides you a distinct advantage. Also, if customers have uploaded photos you don’t like, this is your chance to have better images available.