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Take 1 Minute to Check Your Bing Listing

Today’s marketing tip is to take a look at your company’s listing on This search engine, like Google, allows you to post hours, photos, and a description. Your FREE bing listing is advertising and only takes a few minutes to set up or update.

Easy steps for the hesitant:

  1. Go to, admire the photo background, and type your company name in the white search bar.

2. Your company should show up on the right. Take a look at what is there, and click ‘manage this business’ to edit. I found that I had not updated my images in years and did not have a logo uploaded. What did you find? Fix it today! Be sure to include a detailed description including your products and services so that interested people can find you!

brimming design bing listing

3. It takes a day or three to get the updates approved. Then the changes go live and start working for you. Send me a screen capture of your updated listing for praise, accolades and a free Brimming Design coaster.