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Can a Chimp Help Your Email Effectiveness?

Mailchimp is a well know email marketing platform.  There are good reasons it is so popular.  The Zapier blog offers the following reasons:

  1. Mailchimp has a generous free plan including:
    –email one group for up to 2,000 contacts;
    –six starter email templates;
    –analytics including the number of opens, the number of links clicked, the revenue made from a specific email, and a bunch of other data points.
    –evaluation of various elements, including the skimmability of your emails, your use of links and calls to action (CTA – messaging that pushes web users toward a particular action, such as filling out a contact form or buying a product.)
    –Using analytics for individual subscribers, Mailchimp shows you how often a specific subscriber opens your emails or clicks on links. Based on these metrics, it assigns a star rating to each member of your audience.
  2. It’s easy to get started. Intuitive yet full of features, it makes creating effective emails easy.
  3. Its automation features are simple: You have the option to split your audience with if/else rules, send different emails to different audiences, use time delays, tag and group your audience members, or even make subscribers repeat a journey. You can automatically send a coupon to new subscribers and reminders about abandoned carts.
  4. It’s an all-in-one tool: Send physical postcards, create social media campaigns, landing pages, and websites.

An email platform like Mailchimp can improve email effectiveness with better response rates and proved data on the success of each email campaign with analytics.  For small businesses this can all be free.

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