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Here’s Why Your Emails Aren’t Reaching Subscribers

Email Delivery

 Getting to the recipient’s mailbox is the first step. The quality of your email list, bounce rates, spam reports, and more can stop your email from getting through.

Email Deliverability

 The second step happens after the email has made it into the mailbox. Most email services now have filters that may send your email to spam or promotions folders, and mail delivered there is rarely seen. Email services use metrics to measure sender reputation, authentication, content, engagement levels, email volume spikes, and bounce rates. With these, they determine what category to choose for your mail.

There are free services that can check how your emails are received:

 Email deliverability is dependent on multiple factors. Thankfully, most of these factors are in your hands, so you can take measures to fix your deliverability issues.

Deliverability Tips:

 -Maintain a clean email list by removing inactive subscribers.

 -Use a service to check your 

 -Use an opt-in feature

 -Make it easy to unsubscribe

 -Write compelling subject lines and copy

 -Choose a reputable mailing service that uses SMTP delivery. 

 -Improve your site’s organic search presence to show relevancy

Bonus Tip:

 -Backup your email list often. Assuming that you will always have access to your external mailing list, say through MailChimp, can cause quite a glitch when you have to recreate your list. (Happened to a friend.)