If you don’t have a LinkedIn account or haven’t updated yours in a while, now is the time!

Your Personal LinkedIn Page
- Choose the right profile PICTURE: a current, professional-looking headshot. It matters!
- Add a BACKGROUND PHOTO to your profile page. It makes your page more memorable. Show something appropriate for work, that captures your talents, personality, or interests. Check Pixabay for free images if you need a mood-setting stock photo.
- Use your job TITLE. Rather than just the actual title on your business card, this line becomes your headline. Make it more than just a job title! Try this formula: Job title/company + Keywords + Zing! See a whole article on titles here.
- USE your SUMMARY to tell your story, motivation, talents, and accomplishments. This is an important piece that you will want to write, gather feedback and rewrite. Choose your adjectives carefully to create something unique and only yours. Most everyone is ‘experienced’ and ‘dependable’. Choose words that make you stand out.
- Keep adding CONTACTS. You can begin with the contacts in your address book but don’t stop there. Had a great conversation with someone new at a Chamber of Commerce meeting? Invite them to connect on LinkedIn. New client? Connect with them, too.
- Your job-related SKILLS are offered up to your contacts to endorse. Choose your list of skills specifically relevant to your work, and then reorder them to put your most necessary at the top of the list. If a skill that is not key to your work pops up on top, you can remove that skill from your list. Be sure to endorse your colleagues when asked… they will see your endorsement and be encouraged to reciprocate.
- Carefully choose SERVICES to list that focus on your most valuable products. These are searchable and may create leads for new businesses.
- Request specific LinkedIn recommendations from your best clients. Detailed TESTIMONIALS are a valuable sales tool, and worth the time to ask for. Make the request as easy as possible for the client.
- UPDATE often! Add new certifications, education, and volunteer work regularly, and make sure to update your job or job title when you switch. LinkedIn offers tests for certification in certain freelance-type fields. Add these if possible.
- Get involved. POST content, SHARE content you find interesting and COMMENT on other posts. If you want to be a part of the community, take part!
Once your personal page is updated, either link to or create a page for your business. Your business page will allow you to post articles and provide more information.

Every link out there is one more light bulb illuminating your business. Other accounts you should be making the most of: Google, Yelp, Instagram and others.