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Brand Loyalty. What’s the deciding factor?

You may think price or service, but the reason that customers choose a brand and stay there is emotion. Consumers prefer brands that give positive feelings, and stay because the experience continues to make them happy. Researchers have found that 95 percent of consumer decisions aren’t made through reason; they’re made intuitively.*

You can use the five elements here to build positive feelings and loyalty:

  • Words. Choose words and phrases that resonate with your audience and differentiate your brand from the competition.
  • Audio. A signature sound increases brand recognition.
  • Visuals. Express what your brand stands for and what it wants to be for your customers.
  • Experience. Take all aspects of customer interaction into consideration. Build the process to create positive emotional experiences every time.
  • Culture. Your principles, practices, and purposes should be woven through your product experience so like-minded customers can stand with you .

*These principles are from Follow the Feeling. Brand Building in a Noisy World
by Kai D. Wright
. Check it out! For more on building your brand, see this article.