Each time you are seen, you make a statement. Not being consistent with your image is like going to the grocery store in your pajamas and running into your best client. (Ouch.) Make sure ALL your impressions, from your website to reminder cards are dressed for success.

Think of each impression as an opportunity. According to the advertising Rule of Seven, it takes at least seven impressions for your message to be noticed. In the barrage of images, ads, and emails we receive today, yours need to visually match and call out the same message in order to stack up to seven and be noticed.

Repetition of the same message gives it staying power. If two of your messages were not branded (purple), do you lose the opportunity for a bigger impact?

Are you consistent with your message? What are your impressions saying about you? Work to make each customer touchpoint memorable and truly YOU. How can you be noticed?

  • Choose your message, specifically composed for your target customer
  • Use it consistently, dressed for success
  • Keep it up

Your brand… your message… your face to the world is your promise for quality and results. What face are you showing?

How Can We Help?

If you would like to discuss your branding and how you can make it stronger send Kerri a request today for your free, no-pressure, half-hour consultation. 

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